Discover the Difference. Try FiberAct

Trusted By

120,000+ People

100% natural

Soluble fiber

Number #1

Fiber in Canada

Fiber Act

Make taking fiber easier !


Powerful Benefits, Backed by Science

Fiber-Forward Nutrition Backed By Decades Of Extensive Research

In search of health-forward nutrition to fuel a better-for-you lifestyle, today’s consumers want foods that contain dietary fiber. FiberAct delivers well-tolerated dietary fiber as well as functional benefits, all backed by highly reputable clinical studies.

Our Products





Discover the Difference

FiberAct is a proven, well-tolerated dietary fiber

  • Promote regular bowel movements
  • Control blood sugar levels
  • Controlling body-weight
  • Reduce blood cholesterol levels

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Question & Answer.

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Fiber Act Original is a clear, taste-free 100% natural soluble fiber that acts as a low-calorie bulking agent and prebiotic fiber that nourishes the good microflora so they can thrive and support your digestive health and help maintain regularity.

Fiber is a non-digestible carbohydrate naturally found in plants, so it’s found in vegetables, whole fruits, beans and grains (like corn or brown rice) – there’s no fiber in meats, fish or poultry.

  • Essential for good digestive health
  • Known to lower the risk of diabetes and heart disease
  • Found mainly in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes
  • Good for healthy weight

There are two broad classes of dietary fiber:

Soluble fibers (Fiber Act = Soluble Corn Fiber ”Resistant Maltodextrine” )

Insoluble fibers Both soluble and insoluble fiber are undigested. They are therefore not absorbed into the bloodstream.

The American Dietary Guidelines has recommended the consumption of dietary fiber 25 g – 38 g per day.

FiberAct, digestion resistant maltodextrin, is a spray-dried powder produced by a proprietary method of controlled enzymatic hydrolysis of cornstarch.

Even at significant levels, FiberAct doesn’t affect taste or viscosity.

Soluble corn fiber dissolves in water but is not digested.

Instead, it forms a thick gel in the intestines, allowing the gut to absorb excess liquid in the colon and thereby soften the stool and add bulk as it passes intact through the colon.

Resources Center

Finding More Fiber-Rich Foods When Eating Out

Finding More Fiber-Rich Foods…

Research on the eating habits of Americans shows that our…

Take Fiber to Heart

Take Fiber to Heart

Take Fiber to Heart Most of us have heard we…

A High-Fiber Diet Can Help Weight Loss

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Common barriers for individuals that are reducing their caloric intake…